Cette clinique dentaire est au service du public depuis plus de 30 ans.
Elle a toujours été une clinique pour toute la famille dédiée principalement à la prévention des problèmes dentaires à Jérusalem et dans ses environs.
Dr. Simone Landau
Dr Landau a été choisie par cette clinique déjà bien établie en raison de sa philosophie de soin, de sa haute compétence professionnelle, et de son assiduité en matière de formation permanente dans tous les domaines de la dentisterie moderne.
Dr Landau est titulaire d’un Doctorat en Chirurgie Dentaire de l’Université de Toronto au Canada, ainsi que d’une Licence de Biologie de la Yeshiva University à New York.
Elle détient actuellement des permis d’exercice de la médecine dentaire au Canada et en Israël.
Simone est mariée avec ‘Haim avec qui elle vit à Jérusalem.
Dernières éducation permanente- Dr. Simone Landau
The National Scientific Conference of the Israeli Dental Association. Tel Aviv. October 31- November 1, 2013.
Computer-Assisted Transepithelial Oral Brush Biopsy. Oral CDx, BrushTest. Jerusalem. October 21, 2013.
Can we really treat Peri-implantitis? Or are we really just buying time for a failing implant? with Dr. Aron J. Saffer. Jerusalem, June 20, 2013.
Complications, Errors, and how to solve the problem: Implant dentistry. with Dr. Edwin Scher. Jerusalem, June 13, 2013.
Sleep apnea nuts and bolts, sleep appliances, TMJ. with Dr. Larry Lockerman. Jerusalem. November 28, 2013.
Sleep Apnea and Dental Devices. Israeli Association of Dental Sleep Medicine. November 2012.
Prosthetic Rehabilitation Supported by Implants. Alpha Omega International Dental Fraternity. August 2012.
Key Concepts and Clinical Techniques to Achieve Esthetic Excellence and Physiologic Function In Implant Dentistry with Dr. Miles Yacker of NYU. August 22, 2012.
Comprehensive Treatment Planning with Dr. Ami Smidt. Jerusalem. May 17, 2012.
Anterior Indirect Restorations- Veneers-Three Stages of Rehabilitation. Jerusalem. November 8, 2011.
New Advances and Advanced Techniques in Dental Implantology. Alpha-Bio Tech. Jerusalem. March 15, 2011.
Dental Photography. Alpha-Bio Tech. Jerusalem. March 15, 2011.
Large Cases in Dentistry and Smile Vision. Jerusalem. February 24, 2011.
The Christensen Bottom Line. Dental Volunteers for Israel. Tel Aviv. November 2010.
The National Scientific Conference of the Israeli Dental Association. Tel Aviv. November 4-5, 2010.
Technologically Advanced Dental Practice. Jerusalem. February 10, 2010.
Hypnosis in Dentistry. Jerusalem. January 10, 2010.
National Conference of the Israeli Dental Association. Tel Aviv. November 26-27, 2009.
Update in Dentistry. Dr. Gordon Christensen. Jerusalem. November 25, 2009.
Caries management by Risk Assessment. Jerusalem. November 8 2009.
Autogenic Bone in Alveolar Reconstruction- Day of Study. Tel Aviv. September 11, 2009.
Dental Implant Surgery- Advanced Course. A.B. Dental. Ashdod, Israel. March 26, 2009.
Dental Implant Surgery- Basic Course. A.B. Dental. Ashdod, Israel. March 4, 2009.
Protemp- Prosthodontics & Practice Management. Jerusalem. February 12, 2009.
18 Pearls in Implants & Periodontology for Eighteen Years of Private Practice. Jerusalem. January 19, 2009.
“More about TMJ Function and Dysfunction”. Jerusalem. December 17, 2009.
National Conference of the Israeli Dental Association. Tel Aviv, Israel. December 10-12, 2008.
Monthly gathering. The Jerusalem Dental Forum. Jerusalem, Israel. December 2008-present.
The Toronto Osseointegration Conference Revisited. Toronto, Canada. May 8-10, 2008.
The Procera System. Dr. John Zarb. Toronto, Canada. March 27, 2008.
Future of Endodontics Lecture Series. Sydney, Australia. July-August 2008.
Cutting Edge Study Group. Sydney, Australia. July-August 2008.
Clinical Tobacco Intervention Program. Toronto, Canada. November 30, 2006.