At your Jerusalem dentist clinic, we believe in providing you with all of the services to obtain and maintain a healthy smile.
Our philosophy
We work with you to provide the best quality of care. Our goals are always to preserve the health of your natural teeth and to keep your smile feeling beautiful.
Taking care of your teeth
We pay personal attention to your oral health. Our treatment often includes personal oral hygiene and diet plans, 6-monthly checkups, and a personalized treatment plan. When providing treatment, we will always discuss your treatment plan with you first.
We routinely cancer screen all patients, chart all of their existing and required dental restorations, and take a 6 point periodontal chart (gum chart) of all patients.
Personalized attention
All new patients receive oral hygiene technique instructions that are specific to their circumstance and receive diet counseling as well. Whether you come in for a simple filling, or a series of oral surgeries, we take your entire oral history and health into account.
If you are looking for a dentist committed to optimizing your oral health, then you are looking for us.
Get the care you need
Call now to make an appointment, or just fill out the form and click Send. Read more about our gentle dentistry techniques.